
The objective of RRAC is to advise international agencies, government bodies, regulatory bodies and rodenticide users on technical matters relating to rodenticide resistance. It carries out this objective by:

  • producing guidance leaflets for rodenticide users on the safe and effective use of rodenticide products;
  • organizing seminars and conferences whereby industry members can meet and exchange ideas with experts from universities, governments and international organizations;
  • participating in trade exhibitions and other similar events;
  • sponsoring research projects on rodenticide resistance;
  • developing and advocating the use of effective resistance management strategies.

Rodenticides are extremely valuable products in the prevention of human and animal disease and the protection of property, agriculture and the environment. New molecules are difficult and expensive to bring on to the market. Through its activities, the overriding intention of RRAC is to develop its understanding of resistance and resistance management in order to maintain the effectiveness of currently available rodenticides.